Thursday, March 6, 2014

Round 1 Arcade and Sports!

This past weekend Nick and I were in need of an active date day! The weather here has been so gloomy and rainy the past couple of weeks so there hasn't been much to do outdoors lately. Luckily we found some stuff indoors! There is a website, , that has all different lists of things to eat, see, and do in Okinawa. We ended up picking Round1. The drive was only about forty minutes south of us (it takes FOREVER to get anywhere around here) so we went right after lunch. Thank goodness it was really easy to find!

It doesn't look too big on the outside, but the inside was HUGE! There is 7 floors filled with arcade games, bowling, roller skating, sports games, and a sports complex on the top to play team games.
Needless to say, we pretty much tried it all!
roller skating rink 

Huge bowling alley!
gun range
soccer game 

tennis game 

derby racing 

car racing 

DJ Nick 

Nick the drummer;) He was actually pretty good at this one

(another floor of arcades)
Seriously we played every game we could figure out (which was only about 10% of them)! There was this Taiko game (traditional Japanese drums) that was like rock band and you beat the drums along with the music, it was my Favorite! I also rode a bull for the first time, shot a bow and arrow, and beat Nick in a 1 on 1 soccer match (at least I feel like I did :) We ended our ultimate gaming sessions with a nice 30 minute massage in the chairs lined up above the bowling alley. Nice right?

 Nick was pretty comfy but I had a tough time figuring out the remote, so I just pressed the buttons!
All in all, our date day was a success! We fit in tons of activities in just a short amount of time to last us for a few more rainy weekends:)

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