Monday, March 24, 2014

First Oki Photo Sesh!

 When Nick and I arrived in Okinawa there was two things I couldn't wait to do, eat sushi and go to the beach! Now, I have consumed my body weight in sushi already and been to a few beautiful beaches combing them for unique shells and beach glass. This past weekend the weather finally cleared up and I was able to take my camera out and take some beautiful pictures. The beach is less than five minutes down the road from our apartment, basically in Mackenzie's back yard. The sun was shinning and the water was so clear!
 Moss covered rocks at the water line.
 Green sea glass.
 There is a good bit of trash that washes up on the beach. I try to pick it up when I can.
 Brown sea glass.
 Mossy rocks at the water line.
 My water diamonds.
Washed up cat. Sorry I know this is pretty gross but literally there are cats everywhere.

This is just a fraction of the beautiful pictures I have taken! I love the beach and I love Okinawa. More photos to come:) I'll refrain from the dead cats next time haha

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