Monday, March 24, 2014

Painted Glasses

 Sorry I've been away for so long! I have exciting news though, I started a new job! I am the new Traumatic Brain Injury case manager at the big naval hospital in Okinawa. I have been quite busy shadowing the other case managers and attending orientations.

 But hey its march!! Well its almost over, but it's almost mine and Ev's birthday, along with Eli, my granny, Mackenzie, Courtney, and Laura.....Man that's a lot of birthdays

 For Mackenzie's prezzie I decided to try something new: painted wine glasses.

 I used gloss enamel, a fluffy paint brush, a plate for mixing, and painters tape to mark off the rim of the glasses where it touches your skin.
 First I taped off the glasses. You can tape it however you want depending on the pattern desired.
 I then took my paintbrush and dabbed on the green gloss enamel, mixing in the white/cream as I went up the glass to create an ombre look. For the bottom of the glasses, I painted the underside of the base of the wine glass so that it created a smooth, radiant shine and would not constantly come into contact with hands holding it. After the colored gloss enamel was dry (only about 30 minutes) I applied the clear gloss enamel coating, where I had already painted, to create a nice seal the protect the paint from chipping.
 I repeated those steps when applying the blue and cream gloss enamel. I then let the cups sit and dry for 4 days per instructions on the bottle. After four days, peel off all the tape, place the glasses upside down on a pan, setting them in the cold oven, turning the oven on bake at 350 degrees and baking the glasses for 30 minutes. After the time was up I turned the oven off, opening the oven door, and allowing the glasses to cool before handling them. Once cool they are done! It is recommended that you hand wash them just to keep the paint bright and scratch free.

 I can't wait to try this again! I will do a different pattern for myself. I'm thinking a palm leaf pattern or something similar:)

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