My Heart

Well for starters I can say it belongs to one handsome marine, but I just call him Nick. Our life has been quite a whirl the past year and a half (I can't believe it has even been that long).  We met, through my very considerate twin brother (blue mask), at the beginning of the summer in 2012.
Fell (or JUMPED) into Love and got engaged halfway through the summer...(sorry its so fuzzy)
And by the end of the summer..?? Oh yeah, we were married!

Fast right? I know. I got a couple of those "good luck" and "we'll see how long that lasts" looks. But I had never felt so sure of my love for someone than I have for Nick. We are partners. Best friends. He is my knight in a marine corps uniform, and I am his wife. So.... Here we are a year and a half later. We have moved 5 times in less than two years and we are halfway across the world! But we are together and that is exactly where I want to be.
So continue along with us on our Grey Escape! There is so many new and wonderful things out there for us to discover and we are just now getting started.

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