Monday, February 24, 2014

My lovely Valentines

I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentines and a good past two weeks! Sorry it's taken me so long to put up more posts, I can't really decide yet if blogging is for me or not. I enjoy looking at other peoples posts and such, but I seems to be extremely time! We'll see if I can stick with it or not.

So Valentines in Okinawa is actually celebrated a lot like they do in the US. Flowers, candy, cards etc., except from what I gather the women are supposed to give gifts to the men more than the other way around. Sadly, this is where I fell short this year and I felt like such a bad wife. I had this awesome dinner planned out and went to the Japanese grocery for all the foods and supplies I needed for dessert but totally forgot to get a card (and I LOVE giving cards!!). And, as I should have guessed, my absolutely wonderful husband got me chocolate (my favorite), a cute card, and 30 beautiful red roses. Believe me I was feeling like quite a jerk when I didn't even write in a little card just to remind him how much I love him.

Thankfully he knows that I do love him, with my whole heart:) Even if I haven't done a very good job of showing it lately. We still had a delicious dinner with our friends Mackenzie and Jake. We grilled bacon wrapped filet minion, sautéed mushrooms, salad, spinach dip, roasted garlic and toast, and for dessert we had chocolate covered strawberries, truffles, and cake.  
This is the pic of my chocolate covered strawberry roses I made. I just melted some semisweet chocolate then dipped the strawberries while they were on the skewers and put them straight into the vase to dry. By the end of the night I'm pretty sure I was in a sugar coma but it was totally worth the extra time it took to make the strawberries.  
All in all, Valentines Day was amazing! I've never been one of those people who thinks it is just a hallmark holiday. I love any excuse I can find to get dressed up and make a nice dinner for my man. Next  year though it's my turn to try and surprise him:)
I hope everyone has a wonderful week, Happy Monday!

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